Brackett House Policies
Check in time: Our standard check-in time is anytime after 3 p.m.
Check out time: 11 a.m.
Please contact the innkeepers if you need to make special arrangements for check out.
ROOM CANCELLATION - A stay at Brackett House Bed and Breakfast is different from a typical lodging stay. When you make a reservation with us we are committing to you a specific room on specific dates and will not rent that room to anyone else. We require a deposit of one night's stay on all room reservations at the time the reservation is made. Balance is due at check-in time and can be paid with credit card. Room deposits will be refunded if you cancel before at least 72 hours prior to your arrival date. If notification is given within 72 hours of your reservation, your deposit will not be refunded. A seven-day cancellation notice is required on multiple room bookings and for some holiday/special event reservations. Rates/policies are subject to change and vary during high impact periods and for special requests.
CHECK IN AND OUT - Our standard check-in time is anytime after 3 p.m. and check-out time is 11 a.m. Please contact the innkeepers if you need to make special arrangements.
PETS - While we love pets, pets are not permitted at Brackett House due to the nature of our property and other guests who suffer from allergies. Please call for help in making arrangements to board your pet.
CHILDREN - Brackett House welcomes children 10 and over. Special arrangements may be made with the inn keeper if you have reserved the entire house for your stay.
ROOM CHARGE - We accept Visa and MasterCard credit cards. We do not accept cash, travelers checks or personal checks.
REFUNDS - Please let the innkeeper know if anything falls short of your expectations. No refunds will be issued if we are not given a chance and reasonable time to correct an issue.
LOST AND FOUND - Please give us a call as soon as possible regarding your lost or left behind item. If found, we will package it up and mail it to you as quickly as our schedule allows. Before sending the package, we will need a credit card to charge for the expenses that include price of postage plus packaging plus a $12 handling fee.
SMOKING - Smoking or the use of candles are not allowed in guest rooms or on the patios for insurance and security reasons. Smoking in the property will result in a $2,500.00 cleaning fee.
DAMAGES - Guests are responsible for excessive cleaning, damages, or breakage of Brackett House's property.